Getting the hang of your marketing strategy yet? There are few fields in business that move faster, demand more or are more rewarding. Nail your consistency in advertising, and growth is sure to follow.
Brand strategy, though? That’s a much bigger, broader, and ultimately more rewarding ball game. Big picture thinking and broader strokes – while also focusing on the details – are why branding is just as important as SEO, content creation or PR. Possibly even more so!
Why develop brand strategy at all, you might ask? We’ll explore the advantages in this article today – and you’ll learn why you can’t afford to miss out.
Why develop brand strategy at all?
Professionals today definitely have their hands full. Keeping up with social and search engine trends is enough to fill anyone’s docket and staying relevant in such a competitive landscape is hugely demanding.
Yet branding is more than just consistency in advertising. Why branding works is because it personifies and characterizes your business.
Anyone can leverage some hashtags or keywords to grab a slice of the current zeitgeist. Brand strategy is about creating an everlasting personality, livery, and overall feel to your organization that’s bigger than trends and economics.
Why branding is all about the long game
Making money in the immediate term is hugely important to any business. But chasing a fast buck only brings a brand so far. In fact, having a reputation as a company that just chases dollars and cents is not altogether a great look!
Consider how Coca-Cola has refined its brand strategy over its many years in business. A few key points are more obvious than others – creating a distinctive bottle shape, leaning heavily into Christmas advertising and the spirit of Americana in its logo design.
Yet the cornerstones of Coca-Cola’s brand strategy are the same now as they have been since it was first marketed as a pick-me-up drink in the 1880s.
“You’re busy, you’re thirsty, you’re always on the move – here’s our product.”
For well over a century, consistency in advertising has shaped how Coca-Cola’s brand strategy has played out. Times have changed, but its persona and message have not – the same with countless other companies. Does yours rank among them?
Why branding is different than marketing
A company with a nice logo, slick website and a Twitter feed that jumps on whatever hashtag is trending the most does not, strictly speaking, have a brand strategy. Take away the logos and flashy content, and what is that organization really?
Effective brand strategy is the beating heart of your business. It’s about nailing consistency in communication, to both customers and your staff. It’s about saying things today that feel true to who your business is 10, 50 or 100 years from now.
If it’s daunting, don’t fret – nobody said consistency in advertising was easy. Yet the payoff is that golden ticket so many businesses need today more than ever – trust.
A customer, partner or potential employee who goes to your company and knows what to expect from the very first conversation is confident in what you’re bringing to the table.
That’s repeat business, a positive reputation and – moreover – a healthier long-term bottom line.
Brand strategy planning is a long game
Taking your eye off the ball can lead even the best intentions astray. Why develop brand strategy if you’re going to let your core identity and messaging get rough around the edges? This isn’t a one-and-done deal.
Annual reviews of your brand strategy are crucial to make sure that your company is sticking to the right track. It’s a team effort, and a candid conversation, but the tweaks made today save plenty of errors in the mid to long term.
The challenge here often arises because, as your business grows, people enter and leave it. Refinements brought in by new professionals over time can refine a brand strategy wonderfully – but also inadvertently dilute it.
Sometimes, a second set of eyes is all it takes to offer valuable perspective.
Why branding is best evaluated by seasoned brand strategy professionals
Consistency in advertising relies on so many plates spinning in harmony that nobody could blame you for occasionally letting one slow on the spoke.
Consulting with a brand strategy professional helps take the pressure off your in-house marketing team – as well as offering valuable insight into how your brand is perceived, beyond even the most comprehensive audits and market research efforts.
Ready for a fresh perspective? Follow The Eyes specializes in brand strategy reviews that deliver value, insight and a healthier bottom line over the long haul.